Shapefile to data lake


Background: we use spark to read/write to data lake. For dealing with spatial data & analysis, we use sedona. Shapefile is converted to TSV then read by spark for further processing & archival.

Recently I had to archive shapefiles in our data lake. It wasn't rosy for the following reasons:

Invalid geometries

Sedona (and geopandas too) whines if it encounters invalid geometry during geometry casting. The invalid geometries could be from many reasons, one of them being unclean polygon clipping.

Solution: use gdal to filter out invalid geometries.

Spatial projection

Geometric projections requires projection, otherwise you could be on the wrong side of the globe. This matters because by default, the worldwide-coverage projection is EPSG:4326, but the unit is in degrees, so sometimes for analysis the data is converted to a local projection which covers a smaller geographical region, but uses meter as the unit.

This means that if the source projection is in A, and you didn't cast it to EPSG:4326, spark would mistakenly think it's on EPSG:4326 by default. Something like seeing the entirely of the UK in Africa.

Solution: verify the source projection and cast to EPSG:4326 before writing to data lake.

Extra new line character

Sometimes when editing shapefile data by hand using applications like ArcGIS or QGIS, you could copy a text which might contain "new line" character, and set it as a cell value. Spark doesn't play nice with "new line" characters in a middle of a record.

Solution: strip new line characters by hand.

Yes, I really did that 😶. Thankfully it was a very small shapefile that has the issue.

Takeaways: count yourself lucky if you never have to deal with spatial data.