
Project Description
Vercel - Multi Branch Deployment Use GitHub Actions to deploy a frontend project from different branches (dev, uat, master), each with their own preview environment
calculator Various calculators: meeting, GKE Autopilot and cloud cost calculator. Source code here
config-init CLI app to init configurations
docker-aws-backup Backup paths or postgres to S3-compatible storage, with NTFY notification
docs Personal documentation website on various topics
nix A cross-platform setup script that works with both Linux and Mac
pgconn pgcli wrapper to connect to PostgreSQL database specified in db.yaml. Proxy/tunnel connection is automatically created and killed when pgcli is exited
proxmox-vm-selector A simple TUI to select which Proxmox VM to start/stop
self-hosted Self-hosting open-source alternatives for popular services. Managed via docker-compose, helm and terraform
swissknife Various CLI-based utilities for ops work
totp CLI TOTP token generator with autocomplete


Project Description
Python API Template FastAPI template with pydantic and pytest

Data Engineering

Project Description
Dagster Demo A working dagster demo with medallion architecture, partitioned data, schedules, assets dependencies, job status alerts and auto-materialize assets
Dataframe Frameworks Showdown Benchmark performance between duckdb, polars and spark. In addition to runtime, RAM usage is also provided
Spark on Kubernetes Running spark jobs in Kubernetes

Data Science

Project Description
Impute Pipelines Use machine learning to fill in missing data. Utilize hyperparameter tuning to find the optimum parameters
Visualizing Map Region Prefix/Suffix Utilize NLP to group region name prefix/suffix
Word-Based Analysis With Song Lyrics Visualize lyrics trend using NLP and use topic modeling to find common words per specified clusters


Project Description
music-lyrics-tagger Add lyrics to flac and m4a files
waka CLI to get WakaTime stats