See speakerdeck for all slides.


Date Title Event
Sep 2021 Data pipelines with Dagster ThaiPy Meetup


Date Title Event
Oct 2022 The unsung hero behind Bestimate: data platform Grill the data


Date Title Event
May 2023 Cross-platform reproducible environment setup Functional Programming Meetup #1
Nov 2023 Faster deployments with multi-stage build caching GitHub Universe After Party Thailand
Nov 2023 What you need for end-to-end machine learning project Barcamp Bangkhen 11


Date Title Event
Jan 2024 Record CLI-based workflows with VHS BKK.JS #19: Into the New Year
Mar 2024 Friendly shell environment setup WTM International Women’s Day Bangkok 2024
Mar 2024 Difference between in-house and consulting companies Data Engineer Thailand
May 2024 How to Bootstrap a Python Project Python Developer Day 2024
July 2024 Roles & Responsibilities of Data Engineer Data Engineer Thailand
Aug 2024 Simplify Proxmox VM Management with Terraform HashiCorp User Hub Thailand #2
Sep 2024 When (not) to Use Terraform ThaiType